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Sanctuary Rig
Paul McNamara, Mark Rae, Jim Faupel, Rich Slade
  Sanctuary Rig are an all-originals band based in the South-East of England. They were the first band signed to Rig Records.

The band consists of four musicians from extremely diverse musical backgrounds, which has led to an amazing mixture of genres in their music. At any Rig gig, you can expect to hear all-out rock, cool blues, retro prog, 60s psychaedelia, fun pop and singalong barnstormers.

Their ethos is to write their own music the way they like it, to record it and play it live entirely themselves. They are, in every sense, a 'real' band.

Website - MySpace - iTunes

Releases on Rig Records

Khnosti   Khnosti, released in July 2008, is the band's latest recording. It is a double album containing rock, Hammond, blues, Rickenbacker, prog, Mellotron, bass pedals, religious imagery, Telecasters, space murder, twin-necks, ex-wives, gong and astral sex.

The album comes beautifully packaged with a 16-page booklet including lyrics and is available here, directly from the band's website, or from CDBaby.

Or, if you don't like real CDs, you can buy it from iTunes and download it straight to your iPod.
Sail On   Sail On, released in November 2005, is the band's debut recording. It is in the form of an EP consisisting of four songs dealing with longing, communication, sexy girls and transvestite duality. At over 25-minutes, it's longer than some full albums!

The EP comes with a lyric booklet and is available here, directly from the band's website, or from CDBaby.

Or, if you don't like real CDs, you can buy it from iTunes and download it straight to your iPod.